There are four basic types of color combinations. For each of them use geometric shapes – line, triangle, square, rectangle, which can be rotated and get new combinations of shades.

Complementary combination of two shades
It is a combination of two opposite colors. For example, yellow and purple. Such combinations are considered harmonious and pleasing to the eye. The selected colors can be used in equal proportions.

There are two types of triads, which combine three opposite shades:

Contrast – refers to a complementary combination, but the complementary color is replaced by two other colors next to each other. It is a less contrasting combination.
Classic – takes three colors, equidistant from each other. The result is a balanced gamut, with different proportions of hues: one tone sets the composition, the second plays up the composition, and the third is added as an accent.

It is also called the analog triad. It allows the combination of three to five neighboring colors with soft transitions and no sharp contrast. The combination can be considered a kind of gradient – colors flow smoothly into each other.

Using four colors. To fit all the colors competently – you will need to study the rules of colorism. Combinations come in two kinds:

A square scheme is a harmonious and vibrant combination of equidistant colors. It can be used, for example, in the development of colorful sites with a complex structure.

Rectangular scheme – another combination of complementary colors: pairs of shades are close to each other. One shade becomes dominant and the others are auxiliary.

Color Characteristics
Color is not limited to Itten’s circle of 12 shades. In this section, let’s understand the varieties of color and its characteristics.

Colors are divided into:

Chromatic – colors.
Achromatic – white, gray and black shades.
Qualitative characteristics of color
Color can change in the direction of saturation, tone or lightness. Let’s look at these characteristics in more detail.

Color tone
This is the place of the color in the light spectrum. It helps to define a shade, give it a name and compare it to others.

Helps you identify contrasting bright or dim colors. Saturation depends on the admixture of the gray hue.

Also referred to as lightness. This is what determines whether the color is light or dark. It depends on the admixture of white or black hues.